Flip Your Business: FREE 3-Part Video Series

Three information-packed videos that cover:

1. The power of micro-changes. Small changes that will bring big changes to your business.
2. The magic of margin and your bottom lineā€”essentially the amount of money you put into your bank account at the end of the week, month, and year.
3. A simple formula to help you reach your sales goal for the year.

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Newbie Plows Driveway in 33 Seconds ā€“ Short Iron Fab BackBlade

Dan: What's up, you guys? Tools In Action. Yes, I'm alone today. Eric's not around. There's been some changes in the channel lately. You might see John Miller on here. Eric's still around, it's just he's got a lot of stuff going on his plate right now. You gotta get all the stuff together. He's in business mode, so he'll be in and out of these few videos coming up, but Stanley Dirt Monkey, he was out of here today you guys, and he showed us something cool. Everybody knows I love the Ventrac, and I plow all my neighbors out. It takes me roughly 10 to 15 minutes with the Ventrac to do my driveway. I think I have a 60 inch blade on it. Stanley came out here today with something from a company called Back Iron Industries I believe, and they're out of Michigan with another made in the USA tool.Ā 

Dan: Now, I know when we're talking this heavy equipment stuff, made in the USA really means a lot you guys, because they're using better steel than you see on these oversea made factories. Maybe n...

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Excavators - One of the Top 4 Tools a Landscaping Company NEEDS

All righty. We've got an awesome video for you today guys, because it's all about the heavy equipment. But we are going to be diving deep, and getting very specific in talking about one of those pieces of equipment you absolutely will eventually need to run any kind of an outdoor service related business. If it's landscaping, excavating, demolition, you guys are gonna need to have this in your tool chest, and it's an excavator. But what we're talking about today guys, can apply to any kind of piece of heavy equipment that you may be looking at buying. And what I mean is we're gonna talk about new versus used, what brand of equipment you should buy, and more importantly, why you'd wanna pick out a certain brand. And lastly, we're gonna be talking about sizing that piece of equipment to get the most use out of it. Do you go really big, or do you go really tiny? You wanna size it exactly right, so that you can get the most use out of it before you need to reinvest into a different piece o...

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