How to Plant Grass Seed and Overseed like a PRO

How to Plant Grass Seed and Overseed like a PRO

Do you want to save yourself thousands of dollars and have a gorgeous, green lawn that looks like a pro installed it? Well, you can bite the bullet and have sod installed or you can seed it yourself. My company installs at least one lawn a week and I tell each one of my customers they have an option. They can hire me to install sod for them and their lot will instantly look like this, or I can sit down at their kitchen table and in five minutes teach them how to over-seed their lawn and make it look like a pro did it. Guess what, that's what you’re going to learn today. I'm going to show you what I show each and every one of my customers, how that they can cheat, save thousands of dollars and do the job themselves. So let's get started. All right here we go. This whiteboard is your lawn and this pepper is your seed. Now I’m going to show you the pattern, this is the most critical element. A lot of people think, “The more seed, the better...

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Get Job Leads and Borrow Equipment for Free

This video may sound counterintuitive, but what I'm going to tell you is extremely effective. Especially if you're just getting started in landscaping. You start trying to develop business contacts. Work with your competition. And I'm going to give you some exact examples that I want you to follow. Don't view your competition as competition. They're a source of projects. They're a source of job leave. Let me use my company as an example. We've been established for 30 years. We've been around a long time. We have more work coming in than we can ever handle. I need, and I mean I need good company.  I need to know I can feel comfortable when giving a job to another company. We must know that the customer is in good hands.

Good Companies are Hard to Find

Those are few and far between. There are not a lot of people I can do that with. Why do you think I give away? Because now that person owes me a favor. What happens when somebody owes you a favor? They want to repay it. What kind of favo...

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Hiniker vs Western - Snow Plow Review

<h5>Western MVP3 Vs Hiniker Scoop</h5>
Today we're going to put a Western MVP3 V snowplow against the Hiniker scoop plow. We’re going to talk about the benefits of each plow. We’ll also talkabout the negative portions of the plows. That way you can make an informed decision for yourself

What are you going to see is a new Western, contractor grade MVP3 three and what we have on this side is a Hiniker scoop. Now this is an older plow, so you may be giving us a fair comparison? Let me just tell you, this Hiniker your scoop plow smokes any other plow we've ever ran. We've ran boss. We've ran Leo. We have three Western snow plows.

For carrying capacity, the Hiniker snowplow is easily the monster plow of everything. We have. One of the things I like about this snowplow here in particular. This one has what we call a poly blade. So that's not metal; that's just plastic. That means when you're carrying the power around and not snowplowing, it's light, it's easy, and it's agile. This has no mo...

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How to Turn a Hill into a Flat Yard with a Retaining wall

  How to Turn a Hill into a Flat Yard with a Retaining Wall Today what we're going to be talking about is how to turn a hillside into a usable backyard. What we initially saw when I came out was a steep slope that ran directly into the back of this customer's house. It led to multiple issues; the first one was drainage. Everything on the site drained right down into their basement which created floods during heavy rains. The second was there was no room to use the yard for anything. They wanted flat enough space that they could have their kids play in the backyard.  But they also had a budget. So the solution that we came up with was to chunk it into three separate parts. The first part is excavation, which is what you see behind me right now. The second part is stabilization. Although we're creating a flat space, we're also creating more aggressive slopes on the site.  They need to be stabilized. And then the third phase of this project is the restoration phase. So when we break a pro...

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