Speaker 1: Should be rolling.
Speaker 1: All right guys, today we're gonna talk about the different ways that contractors scam their customers. This is not theory, this is actual real world job sites, projects that I've been a part of, and I've actually seen how contractors work and manipulate behind the scenes, to screw over their customers.
Speaker 1: Now, this video's going to apply to you if you're a contractor or if you're a customer looking at working with a contractor, you're going to find some stuff in here that hopefully will help you out. One of the most important things I can tell you guys is to read the comments down below, because you're going to have a lot of contractors sharing their experiences. They know exactly what I'm talking about and they've got stories of their own.
Speaker 1: And the third type of thing you're going to get, is guys that I piss off, because I'm actually going to tell the secrets behind how they operate. Now if you're one of those guys that I p...
Speaker 1: On go, alright? Three, two, one, go!
Speaker 2: Milwaukee tools puts on an event where they show off off all of the chains they make in the tool lineup, plus they release all of the tools that are going to be coming out in the next year. And this time guys, I'm bringing you along with, and showing you everything that they showed us.
Speaker 2: Alright guys, we're at the Milwaukee event, and I'm gonna take you with me because we got a really jam-packed day, and I think a lot of this stuff you guys are gonna enjoy. We're gonna be looking at all the latest and greatest tools and innovations that they're gonna be bringing at you before you guys get to see it in the stores.
Speaker 2: Alright, one thing, let's get something clear before we get started. They're not paying me to do this video. I did this because I figured a few of you guys would be interested in this, and so this video is for you guys. For the rest of you that think I sold out by doing this video, I really don't...
Phil: Hey guys, great news for you. This is not another snowplowing video by Stan. We're here in sunny Georgia and the only thing coming from the sky right now is pollen. It's no fun to deal with, but we certainly don't get 19 inches of it.
Phil: Today, we're gonna be installing an artificial turf putting green and we're gonna show you step by step how that gets done.
Stan: So you're probably wondering who that guy is, and why he's on my channel. Well, his name is Professor Phil, and he happens to be on the smartest dudes that I've ever met. And he knows more about artificial turf than anybody I've ever known in my life.
Stan: Hey Frankie. Hey, what do you know about artificial turf?
Frankie: I don't know nothin' about it.
Stan: Me neither. That's why we got Professor Phil because I'm going to be learning exactly the same stuff you are during this video. So, let's get into it and let's actually see if Phil does any work. If I know Phil, he's probably going to have everybody arou...
Speaker 1: You've heard through the video or something when you feel like that.
Stan: So winter's finally gone but the damage is still there. Maybe it's just a spot alongside your driveway or maybe it's your entire back yard because you were busy making a YouTube video on how to build a deck and decided to destroy your entire yard. It's doesn't make a difference because today what we're going to be talking about is when it's the right time to sod. When is the right time to seed, but more importantly when you don't want to use sod and you don't want to use seed. So without wasting anymore time let's get into it.
Stan: So now you have an area to repair do you use sod or do you use seed? Well the very first thing I want you to do is go out and look at the area and then look up. Do you have sun or do you have shade? That's one of the first considerations you need to make when you're deciding if you want to use sod or you want to use seed. One of the things that I need to point out righ...
Stan: Alright, guys. We are going to be talking about everything excavators, and we're gonna be talking about how to run one of these. Now, I'm gonna be coming at you guys from the point that I've been doing this for 27 years with no formal training. The only thing I gotta say about it is, I've been able to survive that many years running an excavator. But, I wanted to call in a pro. Somebody that actually teaches people how to run excavators, and that's where I got Danny from Volvo in.
Stan: Danny, hey buddy.
Danny: Stan, thanks man.
Stan: Thank you. Thanks for doing this. Now, Volvo is the one putting on the training for us today. By the time you're done, what Volvo hopes to accomplish, and what I hope to accomplish is that you guys can hop inside one of these, be familiar and comfortable enough with the machine, that you can safely get through to the end of the workday without hurting yourself, without hurting anybody else on the job site, and without hurting the piece of equipme...
Speaker 1: You took it from me last week, I remember.
Speaker 2: There's no doubt that pavers make the absolute best road based material available period, hands down. History has proven it. There's been roads built out of pavers and stones that have been around since 2500 B.C. Now you can't say the same thing for asphalt or concrete, but pavers are subject to three typical kinds of failure. Rotational failure, vertical failure and horizontal failure. We're going to cover those, so hopefully you can prevent them and build your own driveway, that'll last maybe not 2500 years but it'll last longer than you or me both.
Speaker 2: Now in the past you've seen me make a video talking about how about the base is the absolute most critical element to the overall success of your project and this still holds true. But for pavers, it goes a little bit further than that. If you happen to have an asphalt or a concrete driveway, we're going to cover some of the similarities in failures that you wil...
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