Job Site Drama - Sod Installation Tips


Stan: So we're out on our landscaping site. It's the middle of November. We're going to talk about the fact that November is the best time of the year to lay sod to get everything wrapped up because it's also the time of the year when you have the least amount of maintenance that you ever have to do. 

Stan: That right there brings up a good point. Inside our company, it's always the laborer's drop to look out for the piece of equipment. It is never the equipment operator's job to look out for the laborer. Although that may sound bass ackwards in this age of millennials where you guys think you can randomly walk across the street at any time and expect a car to stop for you. Well guess what it weighs more than you do. So, if they don't happen to see you, you're the one paying the price. 

Stan: Now in this case on our job sites, we always tell the operators look out of the laborers, but we teach the laborers don't assume that they are going to see you. This guy doesn't have the visibil...

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How to Rebuild a Patio

Step by Step DIY Guide to make an Old patio look like new

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Concrete Basics for Beginners

Concrete basics for Beginners from top to bottom, ground prep, rebar, sealing & protecting

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RIGHTs and WRONGs in Business

By Gabe "the General Contractor" Krueger

"What is exactly going on with my business?"

Taking an inventory every once and awhile is a very healthy thing to do for your business.
Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to stop and smell the roses.
Then the day comes along that I realize there are a lot of loose ends that need cleaning up.
Here is what I discovered recently:

-Subs that are clearly not good fits, however I keep them around for whatever silly reasons. (avoiding the "tough love talk")
-Too much overhead.  I need to cut costs on some items I'm wasting money on.
-Taking on jobs in between jobs to "help" desperate customers out and/or to keep the guys busy.  This in turn, affects my peace and serenity.
-Nice guy routine.....not a good idea.
-Rushed estimates, and not paying attention to "my" numbers.
-Allowing others to dictate my time
-Going too fast.  Looking to the next job before the current one is finished.
-I am part of DMU mastermind group
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