There's a right way and a wrong way to install silt fence, so I'm going to cover that today. Let's talk about the orientation of the fence, the difference between standard fence, steel reinforced fence, and bio logs.
We're out here installing silt fence. Now we've already got one row of silt fence which has been up and functioning for about 90 days now. But the city wants to see a reinforced silt fence. I'm going to show you the difference between them and show you how to install them. Jake's just manually digging a trench, or you can get a trencher. This way works well. You have to get about a six-inch deep trench to tow it in. Now as we look at the one that's already been installed and been in service for a while now, you can see that it's actually buried right there and that's a key element. The other thing is which way you orient the silt. A reinforced silt fence looks like this and actually has wire mesh. It's more of a permanent structure.
Alright, let's do a review of this Toro 61 inch Z series professional lawn mower. This one has the bagging system on it. It also has the optional weight kit that we've put on the front. We have the dethatching unit which goes on the front of this thing, so when we do the spring and fall cleanup's we can also offer that service. You're doing in the leaf clean up here, right? So then you blew it all out, and then how did the mower work for sucking it up? Worked good other than the tube plugging up on every single time. Were the leaves wet or dry? They weren't really wet, but the grass was so long that I think there was still moisture under them. Luckily we went through how to unplug it, right? Yeah. Did you end up sticking your arm down in the vacuum at all? Yeah. I don't think I filled that whole thing up without having to unclog it. Same thing happened when I was bagging the leaves in my yard. This setup, I don't like it. What do you think? I don't like it either. That took way t...
We’re going to do a review of this Echo PB-77H Backpack Blower. Now the first thing I can tell you about this blower, in my opinion. I’ve used it for quite a few hours, and is this thing is a beast. When I use this thing, I can actually feel the torque. When I trottle it up, I can feel it shifting my body back. So, if you guys are going to be using a machine like this, synch the padded straps tight. Don't leave them loose hanging on and then throttle it all at once. Can you actually feel it? Yeah. It pulls me back. I've noticed that I have to have the straps tight, and when I throttle it up it pulls me back. Which is not back, because when you're buying a blower, you want power. You've used this blower more than anybody else. What are your thoughts? Works good. Runs good. I mean, it has a lot of power. In can clean out rock beds and grass and all that stuff. You've run this thing over and over again, day after day, time after time. You weight like 120, and this thing weights ...
Stan: All right, we're in Saint Paul, Minnesota and we're going to be doing a product review, the Toro 52" Grandstand Mower. We haven't left anything to chance on this video, we're going to talk about the capabilities of this lawnmower, and if you see we've got a laser ...
Stan: Because camera angles lie, it's easy to make a modest slope look more aggressive than is, I've taken the time to set up a laser. We've measured the actual height of this lawn over the run going down to determine the actual angle that this lawn [inaudible 00:00:42]
Stan: Just a little bit over a 1.15 to one rise to ration run on this job site. This is about as extreme as you would ever want to attempt to mow. What you're going to find we're going to do in this video is not only show you how this Grandstand works behind us, but the fact that you can take it sideways on a hill like this. I don't recommend you doing this, but we're showing you what these lawnmowers are capable of in this video. I want you to look...
At the same time that I was testing out a Case mini excavator, I was also testing out a new Case skid loader. This machine is built like a tank, but it is not flawless. I was absolutely blown away by the Case mini excavator, but with the Case skid loader, I was just very impressed. It still gets high remarks, but let me tell you a little bit about the good points about this Case skid loader. And then let me tell you where I think they could maybe make some improvements. One of the things that absolutely was amazing with this case loader was its responsiveness.
One of the things that absolutely was amazing with this Case loader was its responsiveness. Now I used the hand control machine, but I prefer hand/foot controls. That's what I just grew up operating, but in this case, the hand controls were absolutely so responsive. So what do you think of it? Really responsive. I noticed that. The hand control machine like is great. It takes awhile to get used to. I've been doing ...
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