How to Plant Grass Seed and Overseed like a PRO

How to Plant Grass Seed and Overseed like a PRO

Do you want to save yourself thousands of dollars and have a gorgeous, green lawn that looks like a pro installed it? Well, you can bite the bullet and have sod installed or you can seed it yourself. My company installs at least one lawn a week and I tell each one of my customers they have an option. They can hire me to install sod for them and their lot will instantly look like this, or I can sit down at their kitchen table and in five minutes teach them how to over-seed their lawn and make it look like a pro did it. Guess what, that's what you’re going to learn today. I'm going to show you what I show each and every one of my customers, how that they can cheat, save thousands of dollars and do the job themselves. So let's get started. All right here we go. This whiteboard is your lawn and this pepper is your seed. Now I’m going to show you the pattern, this is the most critical element. A lot of people think, “The...

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