Presentation: Now I'm going to ask you guys to do something a little different for me. Stand up if you've ever had a bad day. A bad day stand up. I want to see who can relate. Okay, now if you guys are standing up on this next question if you've ever had a bad job stay standing so if you've never had a bad job, go ahead and sit down. Okay, alright, how about you come to the end of a quarter, a business quarter, and you say that[inaudible 00:00:30] sucked, alright. So if you ever had a bad quarter, stay standing. Okay, now look around a little bit we have almost everybody here still standing. Last question that I hope every single one of you can sit down at, but you probably won't, stay standing if you've ever had a bad year. An entire year, where at the end of the year you go what the hell happened to my business? How come I owe more money to the IRS then I have in my bank account? If you've ever felt like that, that's why I'm here. Go ahead and...
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