Lawn and Yard Care Tips - Aeration, DeThaching, Overseeding for a Gorgeous DIY lawn

There is a brand new phenomenal technology that's finally available to us. it's called core airvation. What? Do you like it? We're going to discuss that in comparison to dethatching and in comparison to core aeration and there are critical differences.

Core Airvation

In this video, we're going to cover them plus when you would want to do each service. I own a detaching unit. I've never used it at my own house. I rent the core aeration plug machines.  I've never used it on my own property.  As soon as I was able to get my hands on the core airvator, I went over my own yard not once, not twice, but fifteen times. About how many times have you gone over this spot do you think? And the grass is not destroyed? No. What is a core aeration or simply put soil fractionation and I know that's not really putting anything very simple but what it does is it literally drive spikes into the ground and then as those spikes are very below ground the shake rattle and roll. And they loosen up one hundred percent of the soil in the area they're working. Compare them to typical courtier ration the jabs a hollow tube into the ground yanks the plug and leaves that plug behind. The plug and pull more is not better one or two passes maximum if we'd went over this yard fifteen times like my wife went over our yard it would look more like a plowed field instead of green grass.

No Plugs

What happens is that plug can then decompose and go back into the soil but it's not loosening up any of the ground around it. In fact, when that plug gets pushed into the soil, there's an argument that it's actually compacting the soil around the core of the plug. Eventually, of course, the soil will release and expand.


There is a time and a place for each and every one of these processes. Let's cover the detaching unit. I won't use it in my own yard because it is too hard on the lawn.  There's a reason why they don't recommend dethatching in July or August (the hottest parts of the season) because it's invasive. It's so hard on the lawn that it can stress it out to the point where instead of benefiting, your lawn suffers.

Core Aeration

In comparison for aeration, which is the standard plug and pull, you pull the plug out of the ground. You behind a plug that will then decompose back into the soil. What happens if you run over that plug before it naturally breaks down?  It gets smashed back on top of the lawn and it compacts even further. there's a very strong case that most lawns suffer from over compaction. The soil literally is so tight that the roots can't burrow through it.


Soil airvation has been around as long as farming has been around.  It's called tilling the soil every spring/ Before farmers plant their new crops, they till the soil and loosen it up. However, you don't want to till your yard. With core airvation, the spikes go into the ground and they vibrate but they don't turn the ground over. They're loosening the soil as if they're tilling the ground up but they're not putting it upside down. This allows the grass that's at the top of the surface to now puff, explod,e and grow. Let's talk about the schedule for each of these services. It's recommended to do dethatching once a year at the most, or once every other year.  With the core aeration, where you pull the plugs out, it's recommended at the most twice a year. Once in the spring, and once in the fall. With core airvation, you can use this process up to once a week or even more with no detrimental side effects. You are loosening up the soil while leaving all the grass on the top.  You're not leaving anything behind to get recompacted into the soil.  That loose grass and soil is going to allow your yard to explode. Furthermore, you can do core airvation even if you have an upcoming event and people are going to be walking in the yard.


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