GIE+Expo 2018 Tips & Tricks - Louisville, KY

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Entrance Fees (if using the link above):
Before September 6 - $7.50
September 7 – October 14 - $15
After October 15 - $60

Stan: (silence)

Stan: This is exciting. The GIE is my favorite event. This thing is so monstrously huge and fun. I can't wait to go there and I can't wait to hopefully see you guys there. And so today, if you have never been there before, we're going to cover some of the basics and what to expect. 

Stan: The first thing is tools and innovations. What is the GIE like? Where should you go? What should you see? 

Stan: The second thing is the speakers. There is a phenomenal wealth of information and knowledge that that the GIE brings in and there's guys that are willing to share it. So make sure you prep yourself for the speakers. 

Stan: Third is the parties. The GIE goes all day and into the night, so make sure you get ready because it's going to Rock. 

Stan: And last, but not least, tips and advice. What should you expect because it can be overwhelming. 

Stan: So without wasting any more time ... Well, wait. I'm going to waste a little bit more of your time by saving you guys money. Before we dive into the video, look in the description down below this video because there is a coupon code for 50% off your door fee. Use that and you pay half price to get into the door. 

Stan: So now, let's go to the GIE. 

Stan: (silence)

Stan: It's eye candy guys, and that is one of the funnest thing about the GIE. Well, no, there's a lot of fun things about the GIE, but the eye, the tools, the innovations, the equipment, the gear, it's everywhere. And it's everywhere, within I mean 700 thousand square feet of space. Plus, and additional 20 acres outside of the facility. And the 20 acres outside isn't for you guys to look at, it's for you guys to interact with. That means that it's live demos everywhere you look from skid loaders to excavators to all sorts of mowers and other gear and equipment that you just can't imagine. They cover everything that the outdoor professional could ever want to try out. So here's ... Well, no, I'm not going to spoil it. We're going to get into the tips and advice later. Let's just show you some of the stuff that you could see indoors and outdoor. 

Stan: (silence)

Stan: The next thing you guys need to know is be prepared to learn. I know that doesn't sound fun, but this is your opportunity to get in front of some of the best speakers from around the world. We're talking about industry professional that make their living just helping other people make their living. So make sure you sign up now for some of the different events that are going on. And I say that because sometimes these events fill up, so make sure you allocate enough time that when you're done looking at all the eye candy you put a little knowledge in your brain. 

Stan: So what happens when the GIE even is over? Well it's never over, because afterwards there's parties. Everywhere you can look you can go and attend different parties. But the GIE itself put on some amazing concerts. And one of my favorites is Colt Ford. I'll be at that guy's show probably somewhere as close to the front as I can possibly get because that guy just rocks. But if you don't want to see him, there's other singers that you can see. Every single night they have somebody performing downtown. So make sure you bring your party gear because it's going to rock. 

Stan: (silence)

Stan: (singing)

Stan: Tips and advice. This is the one that I really want to go over. Leave very early the day you want to attend the event because traffic and congestion going in can be kind of difficult to navigate around. Plus, it's going to take you, depending on where you're coming from, an extra 15 minutes to 30 minutes just to get into the door if you are trying to get there at opening. So allocate enough time that you can get there without missing anything. And remember, it's 700 thousand square feet plus 20 additional acres outside. That's a lot of ground to cover and you can't do that all in one day and actually see everything you want to see. So you're going to probably be attending the event multiple days in a row to really digest everything that they have to offer. 

Stan: Another bit of advice, bring some rain gear. It has rained in the past while you're attending the event and the rain actually makes the outdoor events even more fun. I mean who doesn't like playing in the mud? I'm serious. The rain can be awesome and just helps cool the event down. But if you don't have rain gear, well that's a different story altogether. 

Stan: Now another bit of advice I can tell you is if you are the owner of a company, bring your top guys with because they're going to learn a ton. Guys, it's not just eye candy, it's knowledge, it's education, it's training. You come away from this thing so enriched just from being in attendance to the even that these guys, your top guys, will be able to share that throughout the entire year. 

Stan: And speaking of that, networking. Networking is a huge opportunity. You get to meet with YouTubers, business CEOs, you get to meet with other companies that may be working in your area. The networking alone is worth the entire event. This is a collection of the greatest tools and innovations plus people that you could possibly meet. I'll tell you straight up, I love looking at the tools, but the people I love even more. It's you guys who make this show rock. 

Stan: But bring your business cards. You're going to want to be able to pass those out so when you meet those people they have a way of reaching back out to you. There's nothing worse than meeting somebody and not having a way to follow up with it, so make sure you bring your business cards. 

Stan: And you're going to collect a ton of swag, so bring a bag for your swag. It's literally that bad that you ... Well it's not bad, it's good. I still have swag from three years ago. The swag is awesome. You may even be able to pick up a swag bag while you're there, but just in case, bring your own. You don't want to risk not having something to carry all of your goodies in. 

Stan: And a super important tip, book your hotel early. Book it as early as possible, months in advance. Because if you don't book early, you could end up being stuck way out in the boonies because there's other events and shows that go on around the area, believe it or not. And so what happens is even though the GIE is the primary show and it's the biggest one, with all of the other stuff that goes on out in Kentucky, hotels book up and it's hard to get a room. So make sure that you register and get your room set as early as possible. That way you've got a place to stay and you don't have to travel very far when you're done with the event to get back to your hotel room. 

Stan: And last, but absolutely not least, don't forget to look in the link to this ... In the description of this video to get your coupon code for 50% off your entry fee, because hopefully we will see you guys at the GIE. It's an amazing event, absolutely love this thing, looking forward to seeing each and every one of you guys there. God bless. Go get them, you guys. 

Stan: (silence)


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